WAYPOINT, a company in the maritime navigation and communication technology segment, is a company committed to providing high quality services to meet the needs and expectations of its customers, as well as seeking compliance with customer, legal and applicable regulatory requirements, seeking the continuous improvement of its processes and the Quality Management System.

WAYPOINT defines the quality policy based on the following principles:

Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is WAYPOINT´s priority, and to achieve it, the company seeks to understand customer needs and provide quality services that meet or exceed their expectations.

Continuous Improvement: WAYPOINT complies with established quality processes, developing the best services, procedures, policies and is committed to continuously improving its processes to ensure the effectiveness of the Quality Management System and the success of the company.

Employee Engagement: WAYPOINT is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees, where all employees can contribute to the continuous improvement of quality; WAYPOINT undertakes to implement and maintain the Quality Management System, promote awareness and understanding of the quality policy for all its employees and customers.
